Slow Cooker Recipe Showcase: Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

This week’s Slow Cooker Recipe is Buffalo Chicken Meatballs by Brett at Mama Loves Her Bargains is a perfect for the Football Playoffs or Super Bowl...
Slow Cooker Recipe Showcase: Pineapple Chicken Tacos

This week’s slow cooker recipe is Pineapple Chicken Tacos by Sharon at Mom on Dealz! Chicken, Black Bean, & Pineapple Tacos Ingredients: 1 pound chicken breast...
Slow Cooker Showcase: Fagioli Soup with Pasta

Slow Cooker Showcase – Fagioli Soup with Pasta This week’s recipe is for yummy Fagioli Soup with Pasta using Amee’s recipe from Madame Deals! Perfect for...
Slow Cooker Showcase: Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas

Slow Cooker Showcase – Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas This recipe is so easy you can enchiladas any time you want! This is a repost of a recipe...
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