I found a recipe for zucchini tots and they were really good but I am my mother’s daughter and I immediately started thinking of how I could make the recipe better. So here is my Squash Tots recipe. I’m including this in Sneaky Eats because if you have a kid who loooooves tater tots, you should be able to swap this out with no problem!
- 1 zucchini squash
- 1 yellow squash
- 1 egg
- 1/4 diced onion (I used a vidalia – and I’m guessing on exactly how much. I keep some diced in the freezer and I just grabbed a handful) oh, and finely diced. Mine were just a tad too chunky..
- 1 cup seasoned breadcrumbs (not Panko)
- 1 cup cheddar cheese
First thing you need to do is grate the zucchini and squash (don’t pick giant ones…just your average sized ones will do). I grated them onto a paper towel because you’ll need to squeeze the moisture out of it all.
Next toss your breadcrumbs, cheese, onion and grated veggies. Add an egg (maybe 2?) I just used one but made a note to try two next time. Mix well.
The last step is it enlisted a little helper. :) Spray a mini muffin tin with cooking spray and fill with mixture. This batch will fill a mini muffin tin at least twice.
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes And enjoy!
These were DELICIOUS! Even Hubs agreed. I couldn’t get Bug to try them. He doesn’t like Tater Tots so it didn’t surprise me that he didn’t try them even though I called them “tater tots”. But that’s ok, Hubs and I ate the mess out of them so it’s a win for getting some more vegetables into Hubs as well!
If you have picky eaters in the family who snarl at the site of a vegetable you need to pick up a copy of Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food
. Bug, my sweet little boy who as a toddler ate everything – cole slaw, baked beans, peas, carrots, broccoli, salad, green beans – now will touch nothing but chicken nuggets, french fries, fruits snacks, pb&j sandwiches and the occasional banana. So I’m dusting off my copy of Deceptively Delicious and applying it to my kitchen again. I’m also going to get Bug involved in the kitchen – I think helping in the kitchen will help improve his eating habits.
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