Operation Christmas Child: Our 2015 Shoe Boxes went to…..

On Christmas morning after all the presents had been unwrapped, opened, and assembled, I collapsed on the couch (we had been up since 5:30am!) and I checked my email on my phone.   I’m glad I did because I had three emails that were the best Christmas present!  They were email updates about where our 11 Operation Christmas Child boxes went.

wheredidouroperationchristmaschildboxesgoThanks to the Follow Your Box online donation option, you can find out where your gifts ended up.

Our 11 boxes this year got split up and when to THREE different African countries!

Burkina Fas0

Shoebox gifts collected in the United States in 2015 will be delivered to 202,200 children in Burkina Faso. Praise God that over 1,026,229 children have received a shoebox since 1999, when Operation Christmas Child began distributing gifts here.

  • Burkina Faso has 18.9 million people and is located in West Africa
  • 45% of the population is 14 years old or younger


Shoebox gifts collected in the United States in 2015 will be delivered to 137,496 children in Cameroon. Praise God that over 539,629 children have received a shoebox since 2001, when Operation Christmas Child began distributing gifts here.

  • Cameroon has 23.7 million people and is located in Central Africa
  • 43% of the population is 14 years old or younger

Central African Republic

Shoebox gifts collected in the United States in 2015 will be delivered to 80,880 children in the Central African Republic. Praise God that over 516,886 children have received a shoebox since 2005, when Operation Christmas Child began distributing gifts here.

  • The Central African Republic has 5.3 million people and is located in Central Africa
  • 40% of the population is 14 years old or younger

Did you Follow Your Box?  Tell us where it went!

Here’s where our boxes have been since we started using the “Follow Your Box” Option:

2014 – Chad, Africa

2013 – Gabon, Africa

2012 – Madagascar and The Dominican Republic

2011 – Uganda