CUTE! Reusable Shopping Bag in Strawberry Shaped Pouch | $1.18 SHIPPED

How cute is this?  Get a reusable shopping bag that folds up in this cute little strawberry shaped pouch!  And what’s even better is that it’s just $1.18 SHIPPED!  I LOVE mine!  And I’ve gotten so many compliments on it too!  I love that it folds up small enough to keep in my purse!  Great for quick stops at CVS!

Grab a Strawberry Fold Up Reusable Compact Shopping Bag for just $1.18 SHIPPED! (Grab two or three at that price!)

Did you know that bringing your own bags to the store SAVES you money?  Target gives you a 5c discount PER BAG that you use on your shopping trip!  And CVS has a Green Bag Tag that you have scanned when you use your own bag and you get rewarded with ECBs!

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