Would you support Etsy if they allowed offensive material to be sold?

Jade at Hungry at the Speed of Life has contacted Etsy about some horribly offensive and downright abhorrent material being sold by one user in the name of “artistic expression”. 

These items are in clear violation of Etsy’s own terms of use but even after being reported, Etsy stands by this sellers right to sell his items.

What are they?  Greeting cards with messages like “Congratulations on being raped” and “Congratulations!  You’ve got breast cancer” and “Congratulations, your kid has downs syndrome” with an offensive picture and caption.

You can read the e-mails she has sent to and received from Etsy regarding the matter here.

If you are a member of Etsy, please join us in contacting Etsy.  I’ve already sent them my e-mail!

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