“Cheers to the Diaper Years” Book Review | Perfect for Every Mom – Great Baby Shower or Christmas Gift

If you are a mom, I need to tell you about this book.

If you know a mom, I need to tell you about this book.

If you need a GIFT for a mom, I need to tell you about this book.

Being a mom is super-duper hard.  And those early years can feel overwhelming.  And truthfully, we’re all acting like we have it all together and looking around at other moms who look like they have it all together.  But they are only acting like they have it all together because they look at us and think we have it all together because we are acting like we are.  But truthfully, we’re all a hot mess.

Cheers to the Diaper Years says IT’S OKAY to be a hot mess.  It’s part of the job.  Some days you’re going to knock it out of the park.  Some days you’re not.  We are all in this together.

This is probably my favorite truth in the book and it comes right at the beginning (way to open with a bang!)   YOU are the parent of your children – not your mom, mother-in-law, sister, or some well-meaning advice giver you bumped into while picking up diapers.  #TRUTH!

Receive more encouragement and truths like this in Cheers to the Diaper Years.

Cheers to the Diaper Years shares ten biblical truths that will help you:

  • find something great in every day,
  • manage your time around what matters most,
  • go from worrier to warrior,
  • dump the mommy guilt,
  • celebrate your unique awesomeness, and
  • rely on God’s Word to guide your child to Christ.

Get it in paperback or Kindle version on Amazon now!  (and pick up some extra copies for gifts!  Every mom needs this book in their hands!)

A HUGE thanks to the amazing Erin Brown Hollis for sending me a copy of this book!