Welcome! I have decided that 2016 is my year to get my house in order for real. I’ve created a week-by-week guide focusing on one area at a time. Yes, I realize a year is a long time. But I believe it’s the time line needed to make the thorough and permanent changes. No more surface organizing – we’re getting down and dirty! So let’s get started! Each week we will have an assignment, an area of the home to clean up, clean out and organize. And since cluttered homes are harder to keep organized, there will be an additional challenge each week to help you purge items from your home!
52 Weeks to a More Organized Home | #7 The Master Closet
I know, I know, we just did the kid’s closets last week…are you sick of closets yet? Well, let’s suck it up and get our closet cleaned out this week! This remains my favorite closet hack. I’m doing it right now. I turned my hangers around at the beginning of January. Warmer weather is just around the corner so I’m sure I’ll be able to purge a few more things from my closet soon!
But maybe you want to purge some things immediately. It’s really the best thing to do before you organize. Having less to organize will make it quicker and easier. ;) Here’s a handy little checklist to ask yourself about every piece of clothing you have.
And here are a few ideas from around the web I found. Check out The Simplest and Straightforward Closet Organizing Ideas for some good advice for organizing your closet. Then check out these hacks that I’m going to try!
Pool Noodles for keeping your boots in shape! Via Cold Weather Hacks to Help You Survive Winter.
lifedesigncraft uses a tie rack for tank tops! I could clear out an entire drawer of tanks onto one of these and then put my sweaters in the drawer. Imagine how much closet space that would free up!
I love this Legging/Tights Storage idea from BHG. I have an organizer like this that’s only two columns wide – that would work even on the back of my bi-fold doors on my closet! What a great idea!
And double your space by putting a soda can tab over the hanger hook and putting another hanger through the second hole on the can tab! GENIUS! Via 10 Items You’re Throwing Away That You Should Be Reusing!
And who knew you could make your own no-slip hangers with PIPE CLEANERS?!? What?!?! Thanks inmyownstyle!
Ok, so I hope I motivated you! Go tackle your closet! And come back next week for next week’s challenge. I promise I’ll go easy on you!
Your additional challenges this week:
- Last week you cleaned out the kids closet. Hopefully you found some things to get rid of (and no judging if you tossed them while the kids weren’t home). But this week, challenge them to find 3 things they no longer want, use or need and assist them in getting to the goodwill or a donation drop off site (provided the items are in usable condition) and as a reward, take them out for ice cream. :)
- Let’s keep returning things to their places. Make it a habit this week to grab one thing from a room before you leave that doesn’t belong in that room and either return it where it belongs, trash it, or add it to the donate box.
- If you’re doing the 2016 Clean Out Challenge you should have tossed around 240 items already and you’ll need to toss out about 40 items over this week. (For what it’s worth, I’m NOT counting things going in the yard sale boxes as part of my 2,016 items. I’ll count them when they’ve actually sold. I’m only counting things trashed, re-homed or taken to goodwill)
Are you going to join me in having a more organized home? Comment below! Leave your tips, questions and suggestions! Let us know how your week went.
I’ll be honest, I’m about 40 items behind on my 2,016 Item Clean Out Challenge… Also, tell me about problem areas in your house – everyone’s home is different and I want to make sure we cover all areas during our 52 weeks!
Don’t forget to come back next week for a new challenge!
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