Operation Christmas Child: My 2013 Shoe Boxes went to…..

I got an email a few days before Christmas that really made me happy! I’d been waiting almost a month to get it.  It was an email update about where my Operation Christmas Child boxes went.  Thanks to the Follow Your Box online donation option, you can find out where your gifts ended up.  Last year, my 10 boxes went two different places, Madagascar and the Dominican Republic.  The year before, I did six boxes and they all went to Uganda.

This year, I learned about a place I didn’t know existed.  All my OCC Shoeboxes went to a small country in Africa called Gabon.

Forty-two percent of Gabon’s 1.6 million people are 14-years-old or younger. In the 2013-2014 season, 30,912 shoebox gifts from the United States will be delivered to children in Gabon, which first received the gifts in 2006. Since then, 202,298 children in Gabon have received a shoebox gift.

I’ve already started collecting items for my 2014 shoeboxes!  I can’t to see where my boxes go next Christmas!

Did you Follow Your Box?  Tell us where it went!