Simple, Inexpensive Class Christmas Gift Idea: Reindeer Food

Simple, Inexpensive Class Christmas Gift Idea: Reindeer Food

Yes, I really did just spill a bag of that one my table to take a picture of.  The things I do for you people.  J/K  :)

I just finished making up bags of this stuff for Bug’s class for their Christmas party.  I thought long and hard about what to do for his class.  Buying a “gift” for everyone would add up quickly.  But bags full of candy seem overkill – I mean really, they’re going to be eating cookies and cupcakes at school all day, do I really want him to come home with bags of candy too??  We still have Halloween candy for crying out loud!

So for a cheap, non-candy idea, I opted to “gift” one of our favorite Christmas Eve traditions!

It’s real easy to make and real cheap to make too!  You can get the “recipe” and a printable tag for the gift bags here.

I filled each bag with with about one-half cup of the reindeer food mix. (So when you’re measuring out for the recipe, just figure 1/2 cup oats per treat bag you want).  Trust me, parents aren’t going to want a ton of this in their yard.  A little goes a long way.

The oats are probably the cheapest part of it (especially if you buy a store brand).  The other ingredients you can go sparingly on if you need too.

More Reindeer Fun!  Watch Santa feed his Reindeer via live webcam from the North Pole | Reindeer Foot Print Craft | Reindeer Food Recipe