Winn-Dixie’s Coupon Policy and Shopping Tips

Do you enjoy shopping at Winn-Dixie?  are you interested in saving more money at Winn-Dixie?  Winn-Dixie has a coupon acceptance policy as well as in store deals.  AND I have a few savings tips to help you get the most for your dollar at Winn-Dixie!

Here is Winn-Dixie’s Coupon Policy (current as of 6/20/2018) and my comments and clarifications (and tips!) in italics.

  • Store Management has the right to accept, decline, or limit the quantity of coupons and or items purchased in a single transaction or in a single day, by a single customer.

That’s just a blanket statement ensuring that the manager has the final say on what he accepts in his store.

  • To ensure product availability for all customers, Winn-Dixie limits redemption to (5) five of the same coupons for the same item in the same day per customer. For example, if you have six of the same coupon and have purchased six items, we will only accept five of the coupons.

I think that one explains itself.

  • Winn-Dixie will only accept original manufacturer coupons, Winn-Dixie coupons and valid internet coupons. No reproductions, altered coupons, or coupons on mobile devices will be accepted. The only coupons accepted on a mobile device are the “tell Winn-Dixie” brand coupons.

No photocopied coupons or pictures of coupons on your mobile device.  

  • A manufacturer coupon and a store coupon can be used on the same item in the same transaction.

What we call “stacking“.

  • A manufacturer coupon cannot be used on the same item as an electronic coupon. An electronic coupon is linked to the Loyalty Card and deducts automatically at the register when the required purchase is made.

The e-coupons that you load to your Winn-Dixie card at are manufacturer coupons and can not be used on the same item as a paper manufacturer coupon.

  • Winn-Dixie does not accept any type of coupon for “Meal Deal” or “What a Deal” free items.

This was a decision that used to be left up to a manager.  Now Winn-Dixie has nixed this practice.  On their specials where if you buy this item and you get certain items for free (i.e. buy two pizzas and get garlic bread, ice cream and soda free) you can no longer use any coupons you may have or the “free” items.  You can still use coupons on the main item (i.e. pizzas in the above example) but not the items you’re getting for free.

  • The total coupon value cannot exceed the price of the item. No cash back will be given nor will cash back be applied to other purchases.

Basically no overage allowed.  If your coupon exceeds the price of the item, you will get that item for free.

Tips for maximizing your savings at Winn-Dixie:

To get the best deals, sale prices and the ability to receive and use store coupons, you must get a Winn-Dixie Reward Card. They are free and you can apply online and receive it in the mail.

You can also load e-coupons to your Winn-Dixie Reward card.  You can read more about e-coupons here.


If you are expecting or have a child under two you can sign up for their Baby Club. You can sign up for that online too but you must have your reward card first. Being a Baby Club member will get you special discounts and more coupons.

The registers at Winn-Dixie print catalina coupons. There are two kinds of these coupons. Most are manufacturer coupons. I buy a lot of baby products and cat food at Winn-Dixie so most of my catalinas are from Gerber, Pedilyte and Purina. I have also gotten Kellogg’s catalinas too. These are all manufacturer coupons.

Buy one, get one free sale items ring up this way:  First item rings up full price, second item rings up free.  If you only buy one of the items it will ring up full price, not half price.  So make sure you get BOTH items to take advantage of the deal.

Stores will (should) allow you to use coupons on BOGO items.  It is not stated in their policy that they won’t, in which case they should.  For example if Kellogg’s cereals are Buy One Get One Free and I have two $1 off coupons for Kellogg’s, I can use them. Or if I have a coupon that says “$1 off this when you buy that” and I have a coupon on that, I can use it. Your store may vary on this.

Winn Dixie does not ad match or take competitor’s (other store’s) coupons.

Winn-Dixie’s Plenti Points program is being discontinued this summer.  I will update when we find out what is taking it’s place.

Read more: Winn-Dixie  deals / couponing help / coupon policies / check out the homepage for the latest deals