Put a Personal Trainer in your Pocket with the Striiv!

Have you heard of the new Striiv? The Striiv is a pedometer-type device that is set to leverage the national trend of walking with a device half the size of a credit card.

The Striiv keeps up with your steps, number of stairs you climb, calories you burn and more. With interesting challenges and the option of earning points to donate to charity, it motivates you to get moving!

Although extremely small, the device is powerful enough to play a number of walking-based video games for motivation, with challenges to earn and for every step taken – which affects your level of play in the games – and a donation to a charity (i.e. providing water to third world, vaccines to children) will be made for each step.  (for example, when you walk 500 steps, your water glass becomes half full.  When it becomes completely full, sync your device to your computer and donate a glass of drinking water to a child in a third world country)

Striiv was kind enough to send me one of their products to try out and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.  The Striiv (and my Wii Fit Plus) have been a huge part of my weight loss journey.  Being a mom, I don’t have the time (or the money!) for a gym membership.  My exercise has to be done at home, with my son.  The Striiv keeps me motivated and reminds me that the things I do all day are exercise.  Three loads of laundry?  That’s three trips up and down the stairs.  But since my Striiv is keeping count, I’ll go up and down the stairs an extra time with each trip, and I’ve just doubled the amount of stairs I’ve done in a day!  Chasing Bug around the back yard for 20 minutes?  That’s 2000 steps!  Not enough to reach my goal for the day?  I’ll chase him for another 10 minutes!  See how the Striiv keeps you moving?

Watch a video about the Striiv here.

You can purchase Striiv: Personal Trainer in Your Pocket for $99 at Amazon. And it ships FREE with Super Saver Shipping!

Site Disclosure: I was provided with a Striiv for my personal use for the purpose of this review.  I received no other compensation.  All opinions on the product are my own.