I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks and so can you!

When I first posted this article, I was an A.C.E customer.  I am now an A.C.E associate.  I believe in the product so much that I sell it now.  It has worked for me and I’d love to talk to you about how it can help you!  If you’d like to know more or place and order, email me at loseweightwithace @gmail.com (just remove the space from the email address).

I want to start this post out with a disclosure about my disclosure. As I’m sure you know (and as spelled out in my disclosure policy), this blog accepts cash and products in exchange for advertising and reviews.  But the product I’m about to tell you about is NOT A PAID OR SPONSORED advertisement or review.  I have purchased this product since October and I have used it since October.  It’s amazing and I believe in it and it can help YOU if you want to lose weight.

When I found out in February 2008 that I was (finally) pregnant, I was already 5-10 pounds past my weight comfort zone.  But I had been on medication to help me get pregnant and combine that with my mother being sick and in and out of the hospital alot (read: lots of hospital cafeteria food and fast food drive thrus for me on the way to and from the hospital) and those thing took a toll on my weight.  But after finding out I was pregnant I was determined to manage my weight and not gain too much.  And I did well for the first 7 months.  I only gained 23 pounds.  But last two months were killer.  It was September and October of 2008 and in the South, even those months can be hot and that year, I can testify, were the hottest on record.  I was miserable.  I had started swelling more, my back hurt, my feet hurt and I didn’t want to do anything but lay on the couch under a fan and eat ice cream.  In my last two months of pregnancy I gained 21 MORE pounds.

So the day I delivered, I tipped the scale at 200 pounds.   I am barely 5 feet 3 inches tall and that was a LOT of weight for a small frame.  But after I had Bug, the first 20 or so pounds fell off quickly.  So that made me optimistic.  I tried to eat right and exercise and the next 10 were tough to get off but they did.  Then I flatlined and I thought, “Oh, well, this is just the new me and I’m ok with it.”  And I stopped at 30 pounds of baby weight lost.   I reasoned that I was closer to what I was pre-pregnancy than the 200 lbs I was when I delivered so I was ok.  Then over the next two years, gradually, I put back on some weight.  In this picture I’m about 16 pounds heavier than the lightest I got after having Bug.  Which, if you’re following the math, put me far closer to 200 lbs again and waaaaaay away from what was even remotely close to a healthy weight.  I knew I had to do something and I had been reading my friends Facebook status updates about how she had lost 30 pounds in 3 months and she was now selling the supplement pills that had helped her achieve this.  I emailed her and that’s when I was introduced to A.C.E.

A.C.E. – Appetite Control and Energy dietary supplement is a synergistic blend of ingredients including dark cocoa and natural caffeine, plus additional ingredients. One or two capsules will turn-off your hunger switch and kick you into gear!
With Appetite Control and Energy you will have a reduced appetite, eat less, and be energized throughout the day. The combination of reduced caloric intake, as well as increased energy and activity leads to successful weight loss!

I purchased my first bottle and lost FOUR POUNDS IN THE FIRST WEEK.  And not to mention the energy I now had!  I used to get home from work between 12:30-1:00pm and I’d tuck Bug in for a nap and then I’d take one too!  Not anymore with A.C.E!  I now had energy – I didn’t WANT to nap!

This picture is after about 7 weeks on A.C.E and 15 pounds lost.

I’m now down a total of 23 pounds!  I now weigh the least that I have in Bug’s lifetime.  I’m only 15 pounds away from my “pre-baby weight” and I have no doubt that I can reach it AND surpass it!

To tell you how amazing this stuff is, even after allowing myself to enjoy holiday goodies in moderation, I STILL LOST A POUND from 12/22-12/27 (and I even enjoyed birthday cake for my birthday on the 26th and a leftover slice the next day!)

A.C.E. ingredients are ALL NATURAL.  A bottle of 60 capsules is $66 +shipping, so for little more than $1.00 a day, YOU can take charge of your health!  I knew that I needed to do something because I have a precious child to take care of and my weight was getting in the way of that!

You can also purchase A.C.E in a one week sample pack or a 30ct pack.  Email me at loseweightwithace @gmail.com if you’d like to know more!