Nintendo graciously offered me a Wii Fit Plus to try out! Needless to say, I was beyond excited! Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board
but if you already have the balance board you can always just get the Wii Fit Plus game separately.
So I know I need to lose a few pounds. I never lost all my baby weight. I don’t really eat badly, but I’m just not as active on a regular basis as I need to be. Plus, I live in the deep south, so from May to September, being outside is unbearable! I don’t really have the extra money for a gym membership. And since Hubs works nights and weekends, there’s not a lot of time that I am kid free making my choices on how to be active limited because I always have Bug (which rules out the gym even if I had the money)
Now that I’ve made all my excuses, I’ll tell you how the Wii Fit Plus gives me absolutely NO reason to let any of those excuses stop me anymore.
The Wii Fit Plus is in my living room. No going to the gym. No being outside when it’s hot. (In fact I can make it as cold as I want to while I’m exercising!) Don’t have to worry about Bug. He’s either in his room playing or standing next to me trying to imitate the yoga poses or laughing at me while I try to hula hoop. I no longer have any excuses not to exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
The difference in the Fit Plus and the first Fit that came out is the Training Plus section. It has some extra activities that exercise mind, body, balance and rhythm all together. I like Perfect 10 (where you have to shake your hips to light up the numbered balls that add up to 10 – it makes Bug laugh to watch me!) and Rhythm Kung-Fu (I know, it sounds weird but it’s fun! You do kicks and punches to the beat!) The Fit Plus also has new yoga and strength training moves that the original Fit didn’t have.
Now that I’ve told you all the things I love about. Let me tell you the one thing I dislike about it. When you weigh in, it calculates your BMI (body mass index) using only your height and weight. Then this little bar slides up through categories on scale that goes from “underweight” to “obese”. The Wii Fit told me that I am obese! (Do I look obese to you?) Now, there are other factors that go into calculating your BMI other than height and weight. Not everyone who is a certain height will (or should) all weight the same. I am 5 foot 3 (yes, I am short.) The Wii Fit thinks that I need to weigh 122 lbs based on my height and the difference in 122 and what I actually weigh qualifies me as obese. Yes, I weighed 122lbs once, on my wedding day. (I actually weighed between 117-120 all through high school). Will I ever reach that again? NO. Would I like to be that again? Absolutely. But I am a realistic person. I have carried a child in my body and given birth since I weighed 122. There are just some things that spread out that will not go back after you have done these things. Plus I come from a family of very “chesty” women. Sure, if I wanted to cut them off I might lose an extra 10lbs. But short of that, they aren’t going anywhere.
So…shouldn’t the Wii Fit telling me I am obese make me want to exercise all the more? Well, no. I wanted to exercise anyway. It’s not more motivation. In fact, I knew what I weighed before I got on the Wii Fit so seeing the weight # didn’t bother me. I know I need to lose weight. But it telling my I was obese was actually a little disheartening. And what bothers me even more is that when I get down to where I feel I need to be weight-wise (I’m just trying to get to pre-baby size), it’s still going to tell me that I’m overweight.
Ok, off my soapbox now. :) Thanks for listening!
I told a friend that if you can get past the urge to run cower in the corner and cry after it tells you you’re a fat-so, it’s actually pretty fun!!!
Do you have a Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus? What are your thoughts?
Nintendo provided me with a Wii Fit Plus Bundle Pack for my personal use for this review. No monetary compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions are obviously my own. :)
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