30 Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill WITHOUT Coupons!

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30 Ways to Lower your Grocery Bill WITHOUT Coupons

1.Never shop without a list
Making a list and sticking to it is probably one of the most effective ways to save money at the grocery store. By creating a list before you go, you can avoid non-essential items that drive your bill up.

2.Never go to the store hungry
This is just common sense. I’ve gone to the store starving, and of course I walk in and smell the deli cooking an amazing smelling chicken. I seem to make my way over for a sample, then I get a pound. Oh and don’t forget the chips and salsa, and then I walk by the ice cream. I grab a candy bar on the way out. You get the picture, by not going to the store hungry I save myself from unnecessary expense. I didn’t need the chips, they weren’t on my list but I got them anyway. Eat something before you shop!!

3.Avoid impulse buying
Grocery stores are smart. They place things in the checkout area that we don’t need and are rarely on a list, but people seem to buy them. Those little impulses add up quick. I’m not saying never get a candy bar, but plan on getting just one, instead of two or three!!!

4.Loose your brand loyalty
Why buy tide, when all, cheer or the store brand are cheaper? They all clean!! One may do a slightly, and I stress slightly better job, but they all have essentially the same active ingredients. When you always buy the same product regardless of price or sales, you are throwing away your money.

5.Plan a weekly meal menu
This works well with list planning. If you know what you’re going to eat, you buy less at the grocery store and consequently waste less. Food spoils, and so I you buy what you need and only what you need for that week, you don’t loose your food to time. By planning weekly meals, and sticking to them, you will be amazed at how much you save. How many times have you asked your spouse… “What do you want for dinner tonight?” They respond by saying, “I don’t know, let’s go out!” Being prepared can reduce your trips to those expensive eateries and may even trim your waste line.

6.Shop only once a week
If you’re only in the store once a week, you will save money, simply because you can’t spend it. Get what you need for the week, and don’t go back!!! Retailers are savvy, and will try everything to get you into their store. Shop once!

7.Eat what is on sale
This tip is good for everyone, list makers or not. By eating what’s on sale that week you could easily save over twenty dollars. Let’s say chicken is buy one get one free at the store, but ground beef is normal price. I’ll be eating chicken that week! By catching the chicken on sale, I saved a good amount of money, simply by being aware.

8.Explore the Dollar Stores
Are you a store snob? Don’t be, by expanding your horizons you’d be surprised that the dollar stores have many essential items for extremely cheap! Check them out and see if they have anything that you could use for cheaper that you could buy it in your grocery store.

9.Buy what is cheapest, generally generic
This is common sense 101. If you want to save money at the grocery store, by the cheapest comparable item. If you want rice Crispies, but the Wal-Mart brand is half the price, by the generic brand! Buying generic is one of the simplest ways to save money off your grocery bill.

10.Avoid $25 shopping sprees
I absolutely hate ‘running’ to the corner store and having to pick up milk, chips and tomato paste because we are out, then grabbing some eggs to tide us over, maybe a two-liter or two and a snack. That little trip to the convenient store was $25! Avoid those! By planning your meals and making lists of what you need, these little side trips will be reduced!

11.Comparison shop
Who doesn’t comparison shop on big items? If you’re going to buy a TV or computer, you search high and low for a good price, different models etc, so why not food? You will spend so much money this year on food, and by simply doing a little comparison shopping using the sale ads and your experience, you will save lots of money!

12.Use your freezer
Few things can’t be frozen!! We freeze almost everything. If meat is on sale at a good price, we will overbuy as long as it’s in our budget and freeze most of it. Stock your freezer when you can! A well stocked freezer can easily carry a family to payday. Milk, bread, cheese, meat lots of things can be frozen. Just make sure to use them!!

13.Value sizes aren’t always a value
I applaud marketing executives on the ‘value’ size. By simply calling it the ‘value’ size, millions of people have become convinced that it’s a better deal! Plainly put, value sizes are not always a value. Sometimes the smaller size goes on sale, and by the unit price it’s cheaper. Make sure to always check to see which size is the best unit price.

14.Pay attention to prices
Everywhere but Wal-Mart prices go up and down. Stores have sales and try to get you in the store using these sales. If you are paying attention to weekly prices, you’ll be able to take advantage of a good sale, stock up and then not have to purchase it at a higher price.

15.What’s in your cart?
Ever find yourself putting little extras in your cart as you shop? Have a helper that see’s her favorite candy? To avoid buying things that aren’t on your list, aren’t in the budget, or simply aren’t necessities, always stop and survey your cart. Do you really need that bag of chips this week? I also always recommend that you keep a running total of the value of your groceries in your cart. If you know around how much are going to spend, you will catch something that doesn’t ring correctly. Pennies count!

16.Pay attention to marketing strategies
Along with the value size pay attention to what is at eye level. Items that are at eye level generally cost more. Always check all sizes and prices. Also beware of the end caps. Although each store is different, most stores will place displays of food at the end caps, and these spots are used for quick, easy buys that are generally more expensive.

17.Check your receipt
This is an absolute rule. Always check your receipt and try to do it while in the store. I generally go over mine as I’m walking out. If something miss-rings I make my way over to the service desk. It’s a hassle to go back once everything is in the car, or unloaded at your home! Note beware of store loyalty cards. Make sure to scan and then double check!! Sometimes, the card may not scan and you will end up paying full price on everything!

18.Buy two instead of four
Have you ever seen the signs in the stores “Four for $8”? Most people don’t know that you don’t have to buy 4. You could buy one for $2, or two for $4. In other words, you don’t have to purchase four items to get the sale price! Check to see if your store employs this pricing model!

19.Price Match
WalMart is probably the most famous for doing this, although some other stores also price match. Price matching is a simple concept, if Kroger has milk on sale for $2, WalMart will match that price. I would recommend taking the store flyer to WalMart, and pick your cashier carefully. (If I went to WalMart, I’d have 20 things to price match, I’d need a patient cashier!) This is a great savings tool, if you’re a WalMart Shopper!

20.Rain Checks
Rain checks are a great way to save lots of money. If a product is on sale, but the store doesn’t have any in stock, go to the service desk and ask for a rain check. Rain checks give you the ability to buy the product at the sale price at a later date, when the product is in stock.

21.Eat your left-over’s
This is more in line with common sense. Freeze or eat your left-over’s! Every so often we have left-over night, and grab what’s in the refrigerator or freezer. It’s quick, easy and cheap!

22.Shop in the ethnic food aisle
Rice and beans anyone? You would be surprised at what you will find in the ethnic food aisle! On top of adding some variety to your life, (without going out to eat) you could save a good amount of money.

23.Check meat’s sell by dates
I always check for reduced or meat that is near it’s ‘sell by’ date. If you find meat that isn’t discounted, ask for the butcher. If he isn’t available, ask for a manager. My guess is they would rather sell it at a reduced price than take a total loss! I always freeze this meat immediately.

24.Quick dinners
Who isn’t in a hurry these days! Instead of stopping at McDonalds and spending $15-20 on a family of four, why not run to the grocery store! You would be surprised what you can get for $15-20 that is extremely cheap and ready to eat! Some ideas I’ve thought of are a rotisserie chicken and a couple cans or veggies. Deli sandwiches and chips, spaghetti, even premade hamburger patties. Lots of grocery stories also have salad bars that are cheap.

25.Check out the clearance section
This has become one of my favorite things at the grocery store! Now I use coupons and can get lots of stuff on the clearance tables for free. But if you can get items for half price, why wouldn’t you? The clearance section is a must stop for the frugal minded.

26.Use your Crockpot!
I love Crockpot days! I walk in and smell dinner, and it’s ready to eat! Spend about 20 minutes in the morning on a day that will be filled with activities and you won’t have to stop at a fast food restaurant! Being prepared is a big money saver!

27.Keep it simple
Chicken and green beans is cheaper than Chicken Alfredo. Keeping your dishes simple is another way to reduce your grocery bill. You would be surprised that a little spice packet can add just as much flavor as a bottle of wine!

28.Cook from scratch
Okay, I know this one can sound intimidating and painful, but cooking from scratch is a simple way to drastically cut down on your monthly grocery bill and can even improve the health of you and your family. It’s a well established fact that convenience foods simply costs more than if you were to prepare them yourself. Many people have told me to plan a long weekend day to prepare meals that you can freeze in advance for the following week. This way you can take advantage of the cost savings of cooking from scratch without inconveniencing yourself when your family is busy during the week. However you do it, cooking from scratch will save you money!

29.Stock up!!
This is a no brainer. If you use Hamburger Helper four times a month, and it goes on sale for a $1 (it’s regular price is $2.29) STOCK UP! Buy 10 boxes if you think you will be able to use them before they expire. By stocking up on a sale price you will save a lot of money.

Be aware!!

Keep your eyes open! Learn how much things generally cost. By being aware at your stores and paying attention when you shop, you can really reduce your grocery bill.

If you have any other tips….feel free to share them!!!

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