12 Days of Christmas Traditions – Reindeer Food

We started the tradition of reindeer food last year.  I plan on doing it again this year.

On Christmas Eve, we mixed up some “Reindeer Food”.  Which is a handful or two of dry oats, a (small) handful of sugar and a handful of glitter.  (If you have more than one child, each one can put their own handful of each item in the bowl).  Mix it all up and then spread it out in the yard.

Why?  You ask.

The glitter helps Santa see your house from the sky.  The oats and sugar are a snack for the reindeer while Santa is leaving your presents in the house! 

Makes perfect sense, right?  ;)

Can you see it in the yard? 

It rained Christmas Eve last year and the next morning the oatmeal was a bit of a mush but it only took a couple days and you never knew it was there.

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