Easy Closet Cleaning Out Tip | Turn Your Hangers Backwards



I just did this in my closet last night.  Yep, that picture above is MY closet.  I hadn’t moved my winter stuff from the spare closet to my closet yet because, well, winter just made it’s appearance in Alabama – I didn’t need any winter clothes until yesterday.

So all my winter stuff is in my closet along with the fall/spring clothes I will need on our warmer winter days.  I turned all the hangers around backwards.  By spring any winter stuff that is still backwards gets tossed – donated or put in the yard sale.  And I’ll do the same thing with my summer clothes when I move them back into my closet.  And at the end of summer, any hangers that are still backwards get tossed too.

When I originally saw this idea it said to turn them all around and purge whatever is backwards after one year, but I have very limited closet space so I can only keep one season’s worth of clothes in my closet at a time so I’m going to have to do it per season.

While I was moving clothes from closet to closet and turning hangers around I already found 14 things to go ahead and send to goodwill – yay!

I plan to do this in Hub’s side of the closet too!  I swear, he wears the same things over and over again and everything else in his closet just sits there.

If you’re doing the 2016 Clean Out Challenge, at the end of winter you should have several items to count toward your 2,016 items!