Second Week of No Blogging On Sunday

Last week I shared with you why I would no longer be blogging on Sundays.  So last week was the first week I didn’t blog on Sunday and the sky rained fire and stars fell from the heavens and meteoroids crashed in the ocean.  Wait, scratch that.  I didn’t blog last Sunday and none of those things happened.  It was a beautiful day and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

What did I do with my no blogging Sunday?

  • I played in the sandbox with Bug.
  • We sat on the back porch and ate peanuts.
  • I swept all the rugs and took them outside and hung them on the fence and gave them a good beating.  (yes, I seriously did this.)
  • I did an extra load of laundry.
  • I read a book.

Ok, ok, it wasn’t a whole book.  But it was several chapters of the book my Sunday school class is reading, Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart, that I was (ashamedly) several chapters behind on.  But not anymore!

So what does no blogging on Sunday mean for you as a reader?

You will still be able to find the CVS and Walgreens shopping scenarios posted early Sunday morning because I write those up earlier in the weekend.

Plus, the Sunday Giveaway Linky will still continue to be posted on Sundays (actually it goes up late Saturday night).

And any other content I’ve previously written and haven’t had a chance to squeeze in may pop up on a Sunday.

But gone is the notion (in my own head) that Sundays must be filled with 15-20 posts you find here every other day of the week.

So…happy Sunday to you!  If you need me…I’ll be reading a book.  :) You should read a book too! Check out this list of FREE Kindle books to download!