No More Blogging On Sunday

I felt inclined to share with you for a minute…you don’t mind do you?  I didn’t think so.

I have decided that I will no longer blog on Sundays.  I find myself being incredibly busy on Saturdays (aren’t we all?) and I don’t get as much content scheduled for Sunday as I want.  So I spend more time on Sunday afternoons trying to reach a “quota” which means I’m not working on content to schedule on Monday.  Which means by Monday, I’m already behind for the week.

Now, you may be asking, “what quotas?”, “what are you behind on?”  The answer to that quite simply is My own quotas and goals I have set for myself.  Which is really quite ridiculous.  My blog is a job now, but I can’t possibly work seven days a week.  Yet, I have established this “standard” that I feel like I have to achieve but I keep falling short.

You will still be able to find the CVS and Walgreens shopping scenarios posted early Sunday morning because I write those up earlier in the weekend.

Plus, the Sunday Giveaway Linky will still continue to be posted on Sundays.

And any other content I’ve previously written and haven’t had a chance to squeeze in may pop up on a Sunday.

But gone is the notion (in my own head) that Sundays must be filled with 15-20 posts you find here every other day of the week.

I do love blogging!  And I hope you will continue to love my blog also!  But I’m going to take the time I would normally spend on working on posts for Sundays and use it to play with my son, get a jumpstart on the week’s laundry or cleaning, work on my scrapbook, garden or *gasp* read a book!  I used to be a voracious reader but in the last 4 years I’ve only read 3 books.  THREE in four years!  I used to read three books in week….

So…happy Sunday to you!  If you need me…I’ll be reading a book.  :) :) You should read a book too! Check out this list of FREE Kindle books to download!Want to do something with the kids? Check out 17 Spring Crafts for Kids.

Oh, and tomorrow is Earth Day – so be sure to visit the Earth Day Freebies list!