Understaning Coupon Lingo – Stacking Coupons

There are a lot of abbreviations used when it comes to couponing and deals.  Let me help you decode it all!

What does it mean to “STACK” coupons?

When you STACK coupons you are using TWO coupons on ONE item.  Now, this is generally not allowed.  But there is one instance where it is.

There are two kinds of coupons, MANUFACTURER coupons and STORE coupons.  I cannot take two manufacturer coupons for 50c off macaroni and cheese and use it on one box of macaroni and cheese.  That is not allowed.

What IS allowed is using a manufacturer and a store coupon on the same product.  For example, if I have a 50c off apple juice manufacturer coupon and a store coupon for 50c off that same brand of apple juice, I can use BOTH to get $1 off of the juice.

Manufacturer coupons will always clearly say “manufacturer coupon” and store coupons will be clearly marked “store coupon” with the name and logo of the store.

See more Couponing Lingo.