8 Ways the Library Can Save You Money | National Library Week April 2024

April 7th thru the 13th, 2024, is National Library Week.  National Library Workers Day is Tuesday, April, 9, 2024.  And National Librarian day always falls on April 16th.  (My post from the holiday, Gift Ideas for Librarians, might provide you with some ideas to say thank you to the librarians you know!)

In honor of all the book-loving happening during National Library Week, I wanted to bring you 8 Ways the Library Can Save You Money.

WE LOVE THE LIBRARY!  Do you love the library?  If you don’t, let me give you some reasons why you should!  Using the library is a great way to save money!

8 Ways the Library Can Save You Money

1. It’s a bookstore you don’t have to pay for.

If you enjoy reading, use your library!  Save money by not buying books!

2. Read your favorite magazines at the library.

Don’t spend your money on magazine subscriptions or buying them at the newsstand!   Your library likely has your favorite magazine that you can check out.  Bonus – you don’t have a magazine taking up space when you’re done with it.  You get to return it!

3. Borrow a movies and more for FREE!

Our library has a great selection of DVDs – all available to borrow for a week for FREE!  That’s better than the Redbox!  One of the libraries near me even has ROKU streaming devices with preloaded content (movies and TV shows) that you can check out!

4. Audiobooks and eBooks

In addition to physical books to read, having a library card gives you access to ebooks and audiobooks you can download to your device!  This doesn’t even require a visit to the library.  Find out what app your library uses and you’ll be able to borrow and download ebooks and audiobooks anywhere!

5. Free Wi-Fi

This is pretty standard in most libraries now.

6. Seed Libraries

A lot of libraries have stared free seed libraries where you can get seeds for your garden for free!

7. Free Classes

Our libraries host a variety of free classes ranging from educational to helpful to fun – for both adults and kids!  We’ve been to instructional classes on gardening and genealogy to crafty classes where we paint or shape clay and G has even enjoyed science lessons at the library over the years!

8. Special Events

Participate in the special events at your library!  Ours has summer reading programs with weekly activities and shows for the kids.  Once, they had a spring read-a-thon where every book your read got you an entry into a drawing.  Each department (children/teen/adult) had a separate drawing and my son won in the children’s!  He got a $25 Books-a-Million gift card!

How does your library save you money or make your life a little better?