Thank You for Supporting Me!

This blog has come a long way, from the summer of 2009 to now entering 2024. WOW.

And none of that would’ve happened if it weren’t for all of you out there that visit my blog, click links, enter my giveaways, and follow me on social media.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart!

A lot has happened in these 15 years.  “Bug” grew up.  He was a chubby baby when I started in 2009 and now he’s almost 16!  I also refer to him as “G” on the blog now because he outgrew “Bug”.   I also got a divorce.  I’ve been a single mom for going on 3 years now.  I won’t get into the ugly nitty-gritty but lets suffice to say the ex isn’t exactly cooperative with prompt child support. So having the blog as an extra income source has been a HUGE blessing.

If you want to make sure you’re supporting me in all the FREE ways possible, here’s a list of things you can do:

If you feel led to send a little extra support/thanks, there are ways to do that also!

You can send a couple bucks through “Buy Me a Coffee“.

You can also send a donation through Paypal.

Neither of these things are required or expected.  I’m just glad you’re here!