I love these inexpensive shelves from Amazon so much I’ve bought THREE sets!

Every new year I say I’m going to get my life in order, but this year I am actually taking steps! And these shelves are helping!

It started with my teenager’s bathroom. We have very small bathrooms. His bathroom has a single vanity countertop. He only has a couple inches of space on either side of his sink.  That was just not working.

So, I do what I do every time I need someone to solve my problems – I look on Amazon.

I found these and thought, “hey, these look exactly like what I need in a teenage boy bathroom.”  Or something like that.

And I really couldn’t complain about the price.


The price can change at any time, but every time I’ve looked, they’re $15.99 with a $3 coupon to clip. $12.99 to fix all my problems? Sign me up!

Get them here:
SRIWATANA Floating Shelves Wall Mounted, Solid Wood Wall Shelves, White

And the teenager even hung the shelves in his bathroom!  And cleaned his bathroom!  And kept it clean for almost two weeks now!   So the shelves may or may not have magical powers.

I opted to split up the three shelves using the largest one over the towel rack to hold extra toilet paper because there isn’t any where in his bathroom to easily store it.

The other two fit perfect in the wall space beside his sink and hold his toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, cologne, etc, etc up off what little counter space he has.

The day we hung his shelves, I got back on Amazon and ordered another set.

And that’s what this picture is from…my second set that is in MY bathroom over the toilet.  I have an even SMALLER bathroom and I really just wanted a place to keep toilet paper.  True story.  I mean, I tried to make them cute by staggering them and adding the vase (it was already on the back of the toilet so I had to put it somewhere) but really, I just wanted rolls of toilet paper within reach.

I’m probably most excited about my third set.

Get them here:
SRIWATANA Floating Shelves Wall Mounted, Solid Wood Wall Shelves, White

I like having all my things within easy reach.  Things I use daily and things I only use a few times a month – doesn’t matter.  I want it where I can see it and where I can reach it.  So this third set of shelves has really freed up some counter space in my bathroom.  All the items on these shelves used to be on my countertop.

I am not going for a Pinterest-y bathroom.  I just want a bathroom that is functional FOR ME.  And thanks to this shelf set, my bathroom is SO much more functional for me and a whole like more tidy and organized.

I don’t think I’ll be ordering anymore of the shelves.  I’m out of places to put them.  But I absolutely LOVE the three sets that I have!  They’re sturdy and well-made but also lightweight.  I’m not handy at all and they were super easy to hang!  (My teenager hung the ones in his bathroom!)

So, this i probably going to be my number one most recommended product on Amazon right now:

Get them here:
SRIWATANA Floating Shelves Wall Mounted, Solid Wood Wall Shelves, White