Of all the loyalty apps I have, the last one I expected to give me something for my birthday was Publix. But, i really shouldn’t have been surprised. But this was a nice surprise and I did treat myself to a FREE cake for my birthday!
Your birthday perk choices will be a free container of select Publix brand ice cream or frozen yogurt or a Publix Bakery bar cake.
If you haven’t previously signed up… keep reading!
You can get a $5 off your purchase coupon for signing up for Club Publix. If you’re not signed up for Publix Digital Coupons through Club Publix yet, now is a great time to go ahead and do that!
Brush up on saving at Publix with Digital Coupons by reading my tips below:
Once you have a digital coupons account on the Publix site, you can save ecoupons to your account. To redeem your coupons, you will have to enter your registered phone number at checkout or by telling the cashier your registered phone number. Coupons will be deducted at checkout.
Important notes for the Publix Digital Coupons:
- They are manufacturer coupons.
- They are limit one per account.
So let’s expand on those notes a bit.
They are manufacturer coupons so if there is a $.50 off Pillsbury biscuts Publix digital coupons and a $.50 off Pillsbury biscuits coupon you clipped out of the Sunday paper – they are the SAME coupon and CANNOT be used on the same item. If you give the paper coupon to the cashier and he scans it, then you put in your phone number for the digital coupons, the digital coupon will NOT deduct. And the reverse is true. If you put your phone number in first for digital coupons and then hand over the paper coupon, the register will reject the paper coupon.
Side note: I never have much luck in purchasing TWO of the same item and using a digital coupon and a paper coupon. I haven’t tried it in a while but it never did work for me so I usually just plan around this snag by not trying to do both even with two of the same item in my transaction.
Limit one per account. So if you clip a Publix digital coupon for $1 off Tide and you purchase 2 Tide – the $1 will only come off for ONE.
There are new coupons to clip every week! Look out in your inbox for an email from Publix when there are new ones!
I did not get free birthday ice cream coupon
My birthday is next week. How do I redeem my birthday treat?
How can I redeem my free birthday cake?
It’ll be an offer in the app around your birth date. Just by the eligible item and use the phone number linked to your account when you check out