What’s the Update on Ibotta? Ibotta Discontinuing App for iPhone 6 users

Ibotta discontinuing App for iPhone 6 Users

If you missed the first part of the story, you can read it HERE.


Ibotta and the Apple app store made a way to download and older version of the app to alllow iPhone 6 users access to their account.  They told me on the 12th that this would be available April 8th-15th. Since I had been back and forth with their customer support for several days, I am reasonably confident that this option was NOT available on the 8th and by “backdating” it to the 8th, they were again, tryinf to save face.  I also could not get this option to work until the 14th.

But I did finally get the older version of the app downloaded and my money cashed out.

They said after the 15th, the older version would no longer work but it’s the 18th now and I can still get into it.  I redeemed a “any item” offer yesterday just to see if I could. (not something I specifically got for Ibotta but I had bought it anyway so I tried it.  It worked.  So I can still use this older version of the app. But I don’t trust it enough to purchase things specifically for Ibotta offers because they’ve already locked me out with no notice before with my money sitting in my account.