Simply Earth – Pure, Natural Essential Oils at Affordable Prices – NO MLM!

Start out 2020 by doing something for yourself!  Are you interested in buying pure, quality, essential oils but turned off by MLM companies?  Have you tried the MLM and realized that it’s expensive?  Did you try and MLM and realize that you didn’t want to have to sell the products to be able to buy them?  Well I have the solution for you!

Welcome to Simply Earth!

I thought that outside of one of the MLM essential oil companies, I couldn’t get pure oils from a trustworthy company.  Simply Earth has proven me wrong!  They offer the same commitment to 100% purity as the MLM companies do.  Their independent testing results are viewable on each and every product page – proving that no one company has the monopoly on “quality”. And they do it for a fraction of the price!

And to top it off, every month they give 13% of their profits to organizations fighting to end human trafficking.  If I were going to pick a company to partner with based on their charitable donations, I have found my company.  Human trafficking is prevalent, it is horrendous and it is happening practically in my backyard  (and possibly even yours) – and I don’t even live in what one would consider one of the country’s major metropolitan areas.  But I do live near Interstate 20, dubbed the “Trafficking Superhighway”, a highway I travel on often.  I feel powerless to do anything about trafficking – until now.  Now I can partner with a company that is doing something about it.

I’ve been watching my supply of essential oils dwindle.  I haven’t placed an order with nameless-MLM-oil-company in 2 years!  But it’s a testament to how many oils I had amassed trying to keep up with monthly minimums that I could go almost two years and only just now be running out of my everyday “go-to” oils like Lavender and some of my favorite blends.  I wanted to continue the use of natural products in my home, but I didn’t want to sign back up with the company.  I just can’t keep up with their prices.

So what was I going to do?

Easy, partner with Simply Earth!

Ask and ye shall receive!  Simply Earth reached out to me and showed me a company I could be passionate about.

I don’t want to come across as totally knocking MLM (multi-level marketing) companies.  They have been life-changing for friends of mine.  But it did not work for me.  I wanted essential oils but I didn’t want the quotas and minimum monthly purchases just to keep my “discount”.  And I didn’t want to pay “regular” price.  Selling oils in a MLM company drives up the price for those people that just want to purchase the items without all the hoops to jump through.  Which in turn either drives them away from oils or drives them to use “drug-store oils” which are not a good option.

So here on my blog, my name is my motto, “Saving toward a better life…”   Here’s how Simply Earth is going to help me (and you!) stay true to that motto:

  • 100% pure oils at a lower, fairer price for everyone (no more MLM!) – SAVING me and you money while still allowing us to benefit from great natural products!
  • Referral credit puts CASH in your pocket!  Try the oils and when you love them you can refer friends and family!  No fees to sign up, no set $$ to spend to “get started” and no monthly minimum sales required to earn referral cash.
  • The benefit of treating yourself, your family and your home NATURALLY – that’s a BETTER life for me and you!
  •  13% to end human trafficking – that’s a better life for someone else!

Be sure to check out my first unboxing video on YouTube!

I am so very, very excited!  Do you want to see the video when it’s ready?  Make sure you have done at least one of these things (but you can do them all if you’d like!)