How to NOT Miss any Deals

So the blog was down yesterday for a large portion of the day.  It was incredibly frustrating. There were so many things I wanted to post and I couldn’t.  I spent hours yesterday on chat with tech support trying to fix the blog issues.

BUT I was still trying to get deals posted by other means.  Obviously, I missed all your clicks to the blog.  Why is that important?  Well, when you visit the blog you support it and your support keeps it running!

But I did post some deal links directly to Facebook, both on the Saving Toward A Better Life Facebook page (so be sure to go LIKE it!) AND in the Holiday Shopping Deals group.  (I also have Saving Toward A Better Life’s Coupon Deals group page.)  There are a lot of things I can’t post directly to the FB page or in the group but I tried to get a few things out there.

Then there is the Amazon Storefront page – which I hope is going to come in VERY handy during the Christmas shopping season!   You can’t even imagine all the things I come across every day that I want to share on the blog and/or social media and I just don’t have time.  But if it’s on Amazon, it takes two clicks to add it to my Amazon Storefront.  I have a Holiday Gift Ideas list on the storefront that I keep adding neat, funny, niche or unusual things to.  I’m hoping that if you have that hard to buy for person on your list or just can’t decide on the perfect gift, that something on the Holiday Gift Ideas list will help!

Also, the blog was working (most of) Saturday and (some of) Sunday morning so I did have deals posted – but once the site went down, they were inaccessible UNLESS!

  1. You follow Saving Toward A Better Life’s news feed.  (I personally like Feedly for a feed reader)
  2. OR you get my Daily Savings email Newsletter.

And posts that made it to the blog before any technical issues brought it down will be available in the feed or in the newsletter when it goes out!  Any links to deals in the feed or email will work.  (The only links that won’t work when the site is down are any links that direct you to the blog, obviously).  The feed and the email capture the posts and make them accessible without having to visit the blog.  So when technical difficulties arise, you still have deals!  And the daily email comes straight to your inbox!  What gets easier than that?

Hopefully things are fixed for good now and I hope you like the new blog layout!