Publix: Hallmark Kids’ Birthday Cards with LEGO SETS INSIDE for $4!

My phone died in Publix tonight so I had to wait until I got home to snap a picture, but I am so glad I had time to kill in Publix because I decided to wander down the card aisle (an aisle I almost never go down…)

Publix is currently offering Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupons on Hallmark items up to $9.99.  These coupons are plentiful on tearpads on the card aisle.

I just happened to notice these fun LEGO birthday card that have actual LEGO sets inside them.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I flipped them over and saw that they are Hallmark items.  So of course, the next thing I do is flip the coupon over and read all the exclusions, just knowing it’s going to say “excludes LEGO” but it didn’t.

My store had four cards, these two I got, a LEGO Friends card and one with an ocean-themed build.   They are $7.99.   The Ninjago set has 54 pieces and the race car has 68.  After coupon these are just $4 each!  That’s a whole birthday gift right there, card and everything!

I still didn’t believe it was going to work.  But I took the cards and coupon to checkout, she rang them up, put in the coupon and BOOM, $7.99 discounted!  I paid only $7.99 for BOTH!  $4 each!

I’m putting the Ninjago card up for my son’s birthday (it’s his favorite!) and the race car card is going in the gift stash for the next time one of his friends has a birthday.

I’m still absolutely giddy about this deal!