Introducing the Kwilt Shoebox – your own personal Cloud Storage

Have you ever given much thought to this “cloud” to which you’re backing up all your personal photos and things?  A few months ago I had purchased “additional cloud storage” from Apple because I was out of storage to back up all my photos and videos from my phone.  I much prefer to back things up to an external hard drive  but from my phone that is so hard.  It requires having both phone and harddrive connected to the powered on computer and manually telling dragging everything over to be copied.  I wish transferring photos and video from my phone to my external hard drive was as easy as backing things up to the cloud.

Oh, wait, it is!

That is, it is if you have a Kwilt Shoebox Plus.

The Kwilt Shoebox Plus is a device that creates a private, personal cloud where consumers can offload photos and videos from their smartphones and still access their content anytime, anywhere. The device offers:

  • Privacy: As consumers, we often trade our digital privacy for digital services. Online cloud storage services can often freely view, use, analyze, control, own and sometimes even sell these memories without informing you. Public clouds are also more likely to be hacked. By storing your photos on your own personal cloud, you ensure your photos have total privacy.
  • Total control: All of your content is saved in its original format and resolution. As your online collection grows over time to thousands and hundreds of thousands of photos and videos, many platforms no longer allow you to download them all back in order to change hosting providers – a huge concern for many families. Because Kwilt does not require any sort of proprietary drive or format, and your photos are stored on your own personal hardware device, you have total control over content and can easily move it from one device to another.
  • Save money: Consumers no longer have to pay for monthly cloud storage fees or spend a lot of money buying an upgraded phone with 256 gigabytes of memory. By owning their storage once and for all, they can stop the cash drain. Buy it once and use it for life.

If you’re a little confused, it’s ok, I was too.   But now that I’ve used it, it makes sense.

This tiny little box gives you control over your personal file.  With plenty of USB ports in the back you can plug in your own external hard drives and USB drives (your Kwilt Shoebox Plus even comes with one USB drive to get you started).   By connecting your Kwilt Shoebox to your home wifi, you can use the Kwilt app on your phone to “send” your pictures to (or more accurately, through) the Kwilt Shoebox to your external storage that is plugged in to the Kwilt.  This is your “cloud storage”.

You can also access anything plugged into your Kwilt through your computer also.  So when my pictures are backed up to my hard drive by the Kwilt, I can open a folder on my computer and access the external hard drive – even if I’m on the other side of the house.

Here’s my Kwilt Shoebox Plus and my external hard drive hanging out on a table in the corner of my dining room.  And I can upload pictures from my phone or access files on my hard drive from anywhere else in the house!

Stay tuned for more because the Kwilt Shoebox Plus will be making my Holiday Gift Guide for Tech Lovers!

Want one now?   From now until September 30, Kwilt is offering 25% off the Kwilt Shoebox Plus (regularly $119, now $89).  Don’t wait if you want a discount!  And you’ll never have to pay for extra cloud storage monthly again!

Kwilt sent me a Shoebox Plus for review.  No other compensation was received.  All opinions are my own.