International Cat Day – August 8, 2018

Lady would argue that EVERY day should be “International Cat Day”.  But officially, it’s just the one day.  August 8, 2018, is International Cat Day.

I thought I would take this day as an opportunity to tell you about something I haven’t told you yet!

Meet our kittens!  They are almost 6 months old now but we got them when they were just barely 2 months.

This is Simba O’Malley, the only boy in the crew.  And a HUGE love bug!

This is Merida Swann.  She’s the only long-haired of the crew.

And this is Marian Rapunzel.  But we just call her Punzie.  (Or Punzierella).  And she’s the only….well, she’s the only her.  She’s a character!

Having kittens is a TRIP.  I have tons of info to share with you guys.  Including reviews on the best cat litter – just as soon as I figure out what it is – I’ve tried about 9 different kinds already!

So do you have cats?


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