Lifeway Christian Stores FREE Summer R.E.A.D for Kids (Earn Free Book and Bible!)

We are alllll about summer reading here.  We read and read and read.  And it’s doubly-nice because in the summer, there are plenty of place that want to reward kids for reading!

Lifeway Christian Stores is one of those places!

Join Lifeway’s Summer R.E.A.D.  Reveal. Explore. Amaze. Discover.

God reveals Himself in Scripture, and as you explore His Word, you’ll be amazed and discover more of Him.  This summer reading adventure encourages you to put on the full armor of God.  Starting June 1 and running to Aug. 31!  Program is geared toward children grades 1 thru 6 – but the whole family is encouraged to read and learn scripture.

Start your adventure: Visit your local store to begin your quest and grab your FREE Summer Reading Program Journal, Bookmark and Pencil.

Read six books and learn six Scripture verses.

Take your completed Summer Reading Journal to the register at your local LifeWay store to redeem your prize. Choose from one of  nine books (3 for each grade category – Toddlers-PreK, 1st-3rd, 4th-6th) plus receive a free Bible, while supplies last. Be sure visit the store by Aug. 31, 2018, to return your journal and receive your prizes.

G turned in his completed journal and picked out his free book!  He had his heart set on the Unseen Devotional for Boys.  He’s so excited!

A few notes (as observed at my store):

  • There is scripture to memorize in the journal but they do not question the kids on it so no pressure!  G is familiar with the scripture verses that were in the journal but we are working our way through memorizing Psalms so I didn’t have him focus too much on the ones in the journal.
  • Kids can read any book.  The journal questions are designed to make them think about characters/events in the books they read.
  • Our store was out of the Bible listed as the free Bible so the substituted the CSB Devotional Bible for Kids.  We are very happy with this choice!
  • Be sure to share your photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #lifewayreads to show your appreciation for this program they are doing!