Operation Christmas Child: My 2017 Shoeboxes went to…

It’s that time!  Time to see where your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gifts ended up.

Thanks to the Follow Your Box online donation option, you can “follow your box”.  If you used the online donation, go here to enter your email address or tracking code and if your boxes have been shipped (most have but it has been as late as February for our boxes in the past depending on where they were going), it will tell you where!


So where did our 2017 boxes end up?

Adding in the countries from previous years – South Africa, Central African Republic, Chad, Botswana, Uganda, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Gabon – and we’re quickly filling up a map of Africa!


photo credit: ontheworldmap.com


Did you Follow Your Box?  Tell us where it went!