New Delectables SqueezeUps for Cats | A Pawtastic Treat from Hartz

Cats nationwide are going “pawtastic” over  Hartz Delectables SqueezeUp treats.   The new rich, thick puree in a lickable tube that provides cats with a fun and delicious treat in chicken and tuna flavors. “Delectables SqueezeUp treats allow cat parents to hand-feed their cats out of a tube for a fun experience for both cat and cat parent,” says Lester Ding, Brand Manager.

Ideal as an in-between meal treat or as a savory topper for dry food, Delectables SqueezeUp’s convenient, single-serve tubes provide cats with tempting treats made with real chicken or tuna, without by-products.

Lady is our resident finicky feline and she approves of Hartz Delectables SqueezeUp treats!


As you can see, she was all about it.  In fact, she has gotten so used to me giving her one every evening, that she will sit in that exact spot that I gave her her first one and meow at me until I give her one.

As part of the “Pawtastic!” campaign, consumers are invited to share photos and videos of how their cats go “pawtastic” over SqueezeUps on the company’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages using hashtags #pawtastic, #LickItLoveIt and #catsgocrazy4Delectables.  Participants will be entered in weekly drawings for a chance to win SqueezeUp treats and Hartz® cat toys.   In addition to videos featuring “celebricats,” the campaign will include product reviews by prominent cat bloggers and press coverage.

Thanks to Hartz for letting us try out the new treats and sending us a great big box of goodies!  All opinions are my own.  And all of Lady’s opinions are her own too.