Compliments for Coupons – Update #2 More Coupons in the Mail


Compliments for Coupons – How to Get Great Coupons for Products you use!

A great way to get high value (and often FREE product) coupons is to contact the company that makes the product and tell them what you think!

99% of companies will reward your time and effort spent to compliment them. This reward comes as coupons for you!

And if you are dissatisfied about a product – tell them that too. They want your repeat business so they will take the time to win back your favor.

With the internet it’s so easy to contact companies. Go to their website and find the “Contact Us” link. Most companies have a form you fill out. A few just provide and e-mail address.

If you want to see the first haul of coupons I got, click here for the first update.

Here are the ones I’ve gotten since then:


Are you ready to get started?

Check back every Wednesday and I’ll give you a list of companies to contact that week!

What do you say? Be honest and genuine and maybe a little cheesy. For example:

I just wanted to write to you to tell you that your cereal bars are a great snack food for my family. My son loves them and I can feel good about what I am feeding him. Thank you for making a quality product that I can serve my family.

A little cheesy, but still genuineAnother example:

I love your product’s “to-go” packs. They are great to keep in my purse, car or diaper bag. And they sure do make my life a lot easier!

You can adapt these models to just about any product. If it’s food, compliment the taste or tell that you like it because it’s whole grain/fat free/no artificial ingredients/organic/etc. If it’s a non-food item, then tell how the product makes you feel or how it helps to simplify your life/morning routine/travel/etc.

If you have a complaint, then plainly and politely state your complaint. In these cases, it’s helpful to include the product code off the package. I had a bottle of Cascade that was almost solid. I e-mailed the company, explained what was wrong with the product and include the code. They apologized for the problem, stated that they had a shipment that had frozen in transit and some of the bottles were adversely affected. They sent me a coupon for a free product.

More tips:

Don’t ask for coupons. A request for coupons will be turned down 100% of the time. Just give them your honest opinion of their product. When you give your feedback on their product, it is helping their company. If it is their policy to send coupons for feedback, then they will.  Everyone that complains that this method doesn’t work are the ones that are asking for coupons.  Please, just don’t.  Don’t ask.  COMPLIMENT.

Give your mailing address. If there is a place on the contact form for your mailing address it is usually marked as not mandatory. Fill it in anyway. That way they already have the information needed to send you coupons.  If you do not include your address you’ll never know if they would have sent you coupons.  They may or may not reply to ask your address.

Ready to get started? Here are all the Contact Us posts.