If you got a code, go to ProFlowers.com/SpreadLove to order your free bouquet using the code you were sent.
No shipping charges and no catch.
It’s simple. Follow ProFlowers on Snapchat and we’ll snap you a code for a free bouquet redeemable at ProFlowers.com/SpreadLove.
If you’re not a Snapchat user, here’s some background:
1) Go to Snapchat and follow SnapProFlowers
2) ProFlowers will add you back and send you a snap
3) The snap will include a link with information (ProFlowers.com/SpreadLove) and a unique, special code for you to redeem your flowers with
4) Have your phone ready to screen shot the Snap (you only have 10 seconds before the Snap vanishes)
5) Take a screen shot of the Snap with the code (or write it down before the 10 seconds is up)
6) Go to ProFlowers.com/SpreadLove to order your free bouquet and use the special code at checkout
7) Complete order process with code
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