Paw Patrol Character Figures at Dollar Tree


I love when Dollar Tree gets new stuff!   I ran in for a couple quick things the other night (and came out with a whole lot more than I had planned) but one thing I found were these Paw Patrol figures – for just $1 each!

My son likes Paw Patrol and asks for Paw Patrol toys sometimes but they’re not high on his want list (mostly he just asks for them after visiting a friend’s house that has Paw Patrol toys).  And I don’t really want another “collection”.  I feel like he’ll be grown out of Paw Patrol before he really gets any play out of any of the more expensive toys and sets.

But $1 each for a couple of the characters?  Sure!  I bought four and put two of them in our “prize box” that he gets to pick from on special occasions (good grades, good behavior, etc etc) and I’m saving the other two for his Easter basket.  (In fact, they’re so small if you take them out of the box they would easily fit in the larger Easter eggs!)

He can easily play with each character with the fire/police/garbage trucks he already has.  No need in spending $20 on a Paw Patrol character that comes with a truck (we don’t need another truck in this house!)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know to be on the look out at Dollar Tree in case you have any Paw Patrol fans and you don’t want to drop a fortune on toys!  (Now if they would just come out with some Octonauts characters…..)