Sometimes I Just Have to Take Care of Me


That picture is of me and Bug today.  We love going to the local Chinese buffet after church for lunch and selfies.

So, I know the posts on the blog have been lacking this weekend.  I know everyone is trying to get their Christmas presents bought for the best price and their Christmas groceries bought with the best coupons and well, I just haven’t posted that much.

Truth is, a lot of times (okay, every day) I can’t keep up with the bigger bloggers that have 2, 4 or 10 people working for them cranking out exponentially more deals that I can.  Chances are, some of your favorite blogs have quite a few people working for them and the “blogger” that you like is the face of the blog with a team of people working for them.  Which is fine!  Great for them – that means they are making enough money to employ people.

I make a little extra money from this blog (and sometimes score some cool free products) to supplement my family’s income (being a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom has great benefits but terrible pay!) but I don’t make near enough to pay people to work for me.  In fact, some weeks when you average what I make with the number of hours I’ve worked, I might clear $2/hour.  Seriously.

Competition in the “blogger” world is fierce.  We’re all competing for the same thing – YOUR attention.  Being a “small blogger” is like being a small business.  We are small boats trying to stay afloat in a big sea full of much bigger boats.  So every visit, every click, every comment you make is HUGE to me.  Thank you for taking the time to support this small business!

So this weekend, Bug had no less than FOUR events spanning from Friday night to this morning.  And I decided to get sick on Thursday night.  Because, who gets sick when they have absolutely NOTHING going on?  Not me!

So I was faced with two choices, be sick, busy and not get any sleep OR be sick, busy and sleep as much as possible so my body could recoup.  I went with the latter.  Where I normally stay up until close to midnight writing posts, I went to bed around 10-11pm the last few nights and taken a couple naps (including a much needed one when we got home from lunch after church today).  I had to take care of me this weekend.  I took care of Bug too, of course.  I got him where he needed to be this weekend.  I even braved the local Christmas parade last night!  But when that was all done, I had to take care me.  And forget the blog.  Unfortunately, there is no sick pay for being a blogger!

I’m not the mend but I’m also terribly behind!

So I said all that to say, if you have some Christmas shopping to do, I would appreciate it if you click on my Amazon link here to start your shopping.  It will help me out because I get a small commission when you do! has some hot deals going on right now!

If you have a Kohl’s credit card there are some great offers right now!  AND you earn $10 Kohl’s cash for every $50 spent!

  • Save 30% with code COCOA (exp 12/24)
  • Get FREE shipping with code MVC4FREE (exp 12/24)

kohls20perNot a Kohl’s cardholder?

  • Save 20% with code SNOWYDAY.  (exp 12/16)
  • Get FREE shipping with any order over $50.

Plus, if you shopped last week, you have Kohl’s cash that expires on December 19th!  And don’t forget about Kohl’s new Yes 2 You Rewards!

And again, if you shop through any of the links on my site, I get a small commission.

Don’t forget you can find all the latest Christmas Shopping Deals by clicking here .

Don’t know what to get? Check out the Holiday Gift Guide for ideas!

Just clicking on pages (like the Holiday Gift Guide) and exploring my blog helps me out!  It keeps my traffic numbers up which helps me bring you more opportunities (like giveaways and such!)  Speaking of giveaways!  Check out this week’s giveaway list to see what you can enter to win!

Are you following me on Facebook or signed up for my daily newsletter?  Those things help me out too!

Do you need to print coupons for your Christmas grocery shopping? Any time you click and print coupons from my site, it helps me out! I get a few cents per coupon print and it adds up! So here’s all the places you can print coupons for your grocery shopping! I would start with


Thank you for visiting and Merry Christmas!