Ways to Boost Your Fertility

We struggled with infertility for two years before our little Bug finally came along.   I was quiet about it during the whole ordeal… I didn’t even tell me my mom until after we had been trying for a year.  But if there is anything I learned, is that there is nothing to be ashamed of.  I realize now that many women struggle with infertility – it’s just that when you’re one of them it seems like everyone around you is having babies.

There are many things that women can do to boost their fertility when they are trying to get pregnant. Pregnancytips.org says that there are many things you can do to adjust your diet. Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important things that affects fertility, and most women don’t realize this. When you are eating for fertility, you should try to eat fruits and veggies (organic when possible), whole grains, lean meats, and full fat dairy. There are also several things that you should cut out of your diet when you are trying to get pregnant. For one, caffeine can be detrimental to fertility, so try to cut back on your daily coffee or soda habit. You should also try to cut out sugary foods, junk foods, and overly processed foods.  All of these things can really hurt your fertility, but once you improve your diet, you can expect to see a real improvement in your fertility.