Swaplockers: Trade What You Have for What you Want

SwaplockersI have to say, this site has me curious! I’m going to sign up and see what it’s all about!

SwapLockers.com is a site that allows kids and parents to swap unwanted items in exchange for points that can be used to purchase items they do want. It’s a great way for parents, kids and teens to get rid of clutter and get something in exchange for it.

SwapLockers is giving new members 25 points to use to swap for anything they like, just for creating an account. While that’s great, what is even better is that you can earn a total of 50 points by signing up and listing five or more items in your own locker.

The site has a lot of neat and sometimes brand new items listed for 50 points or less, so no doubt those who sign up and list five or more items will be able to score some cool stuff and get rid of their unwanted items that are just collecting dust!