Merry Christmas 2013 from our family to yours!

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, Christ the Lord.   Luke 2: 10-11

I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful Christmas day spent with family and friends!

I know we had a great time deal-hunting, bargain-grabbing and penny-pinching to get the perfect gifts.  But let us not forget the real reason for this day.

It’s to remember that God Most High became flesh and dwelt among us.  Not in a palace with plush furnishings and clothed in expensive fabric.  But born in a barn, wrapped in strips of cloth and laid in a manger filled with hay.

As a mom, I can’t imagine giving my child anything less than the best we can give him.  So for God, the Creator of the Universe, to send His Son here in such a way, far from the glory that He deserved, is just more than my mind can comprehend.

So may the REAL Joy (not the iPods, iPads, Wii, DS, Kindle, Nook, LeapFrogs and Lalaloopsies) fill your home today.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

“Hubs”, “Bug” and A Better Life Mom!