Toy of the Day: Little Tikes TotSports T-Ball Set for $13.53

It’s time to start scouting toys and watching prices for Christmas!  So here we have the TOY of the DAY!   There is no scientific formula for picking the toy of the day.  I just browse around and pick something cool that is also on sale.  Is there something you’re looking for that’s on your kiddos Christmas list?

Bug got this for is birthday 2 years ago and he SITLL loves playing in the yard with it!

The Little Tikes TotSports T-Ball Set is just $13.53 right now!  That’s a great price!  My dad is the one who bought it for Bug for his birthday and he paid $24.99 for it!

  • Includes 2 oversize baseballs and tee
  • Adjustable height T adapts to a child’s developing skills
  • Special hang-on-the-wall design for easy small-space storage
  • Helps improve batting skills, motor skills and coordination

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