Walmart: $.08 Pillsbury Biscuits and $.47 Ivory 3 bar pack

You all know that Walmart is not my favorite store.  But I think I’m going to have to make a trip!

Here are two great deals!

Pillsbury Biscuits 5ct $.58
$1/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Product, exp. 7/13/13 (SS 05/19/13 R)
=$.08 each wyb 2!!

Ivory Bar Soap 3ct $.97
$0.50/1 Ivory or Safeguard Personal Cleansing Product, exp. 6/30/13 (P&G 06/02/13)
=$.47 each!

Plus, while you’re at Walmart, be sure to grab this Almay deal.

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Thanks A Frugal Chick!

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