Sign up for Ibotta for $2 Bonus + Check out more new bonus offers!

Have you seen the new changes to Ibotta?

  • Earn more with Bonuses and Store Extras
  • NEW USERS: Sign up now and get a $2 bonus for redeeming 2 offers within two weeks of registering!
  • Earn cash by referring your friends
  • New Retailer specific offers

Check out these bonus offers you can redeem!

  • Steady Eddy Bonus: Redeem at least 1 offer each week for 4 weeks in a row and get $1.00
  • April Showers: Redeem any 4 offers by the end of April and get $.50

Plus, check out extra offers for shopping at Walmart and Target!

How do you find these bonuses and extra offers? In your Ibotta app, tap on the green square with the three lines in the top left corner to get to the menu.  You will see “store extras” and “bonuses” in the menu.

What is Ibotta? It’s a money-saving app for your smartphone!  You “clip” the coupons you want.  Then when you purchase those items from a participating retailer you scan your receipt with your phone, scan the image barcods and you get the cashback!  Plus, you can still use coupons in the store on the items, saving you EVEN MORE!

What are you waiting for?? Sign up for Ibotta today so you don’t miss out on any savings!

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