The Truth of the Cross [Kindle Edition] FREE

Here is some perfect reading for this Easter weekend and you can download it for FREE for a limited time!

The Truth of the Cross by RC Sproul.  Regular price is $12 and the price can go back up at any time!  Download now if you want to read it!

Dr. R.C. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion the redemption of God s people. Dr. Sproul considers the atonement from numerous angles and shows conclusively that the cross was absolutely necessary if anyone was to be saved. Opening the Scriptures, Dr. Sproul shows that God Himself provided salvation by sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross, and the cross was always God s intended method by which to bring salvation. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers.

And for the kids, get The Very First Easter (The Beginner’s Bible) for just $.99!

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Amazon keeps a running list of Kindle books you can download for free, so check it out!