FREE eBook: 21 Mistakes of Modern Day Parents and How To Avoid Them

As parents, we want to do the best job we can. And as parents in this age, we face issues that parents a generation ago couldn’t even fathom. I’m interested in reading this book to see what it has to say! 21 Mistakes of Modern Day Parents, and How to Avoid Them.

Raising school-age children is becoming increasingly difficult. The prevalence of the internet, smart phones, computers, social media, and technology has changed the parenting landscape.

The 21 Mistakes of Modern Day Parents is a thought-provoking and practical parenting book aimed at helping parents navigate this new landscape. The book provides parenting advice on a number of different issues and provides new insights in to raising children in the 21st century.

Plus, right now, 21 Mistakes of Modern Day Parents, and How to Avoid Them is FREE!

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