Keep Holiday Party Guests Happy with Farm Rich Snacks | Enter to WIN FREE Farm Rich Coupons

No matter what kind of party you’re throwing this Christmas or New Years, you can find the prefect snacks from Farm Rich to keep your guests happy!  Or just keep the family happy with all these wholesome, easy-to-prepare snacks!

Check out some of your choices:

Our family’s favorite though has to be the Mini Quesadillas!  They’re great for a snack but I love to toss some in the oven while I’m making burritos for dinner.  With some beans and chips and salsa on the side, I’ve got a meal that makes everyone happy!  And they’re so easy, it’s no extra trouble at dinner time!

And if you’re familiar with Farm Rich snacks you’ll notice they’ve made a few changes!  No more boxes in the freezer!  The same number of snacks now come in smaller bags that take up less space in your freezer!  And as someone with a small freezer, can I just say, “yay!”  Now I can keep more snacks on hand!

Would you like to try Farm Rich snacks?  Farm Rich has given me TWO Full Value product coupons to giveaway to YOU!

Enter using the rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm cst on 12/26/12. Farm Rich provided me with coupons to try these products. I was not paid for my review. All words are my own.