Disney’s Secret of the Wings
, A Tinkerbell Fairies movie is coming to DVD on 10/23/12.
Preorder it NOW on Amazon and save $10! Pay only $19.96 for Secret of the Wings (list price on release day is $29.99!)
Plus, you’re backed by Amazon’s Pre-order Price guarantee! Order now and if the Amazon.com price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you’ll receive the lowest price!
Pick this up now for Christmas!
Plus, receive free Amazon Prime 2-Day shipping through Amazon Mom or with a free trial of Amazon Prime. Or FREE Super Saver Shipping when you spend $25 or more! Amazon pricing can change rapidly so order fast when you see something you want!
You can still pre-order Magic Mike on DVD and save 50%!
Don’t forget you can find all the latest Christmas Shopping Deals by clicking here or on the Christmas Deals button on the sidebar anytime you visit!
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