Operation Christmas Child Box Packed | 2-4 Year Old Boy

If you’ve been following along the Operation Christmas Child journey you know that I’m packing my boxes with the stuff I collected all year!

Here’s my box for the 2-4 Year Old Boy category.  Bug is 3 (almost 4) so this box was easy to fill!   The picture on the left is what’s in the box and the picture on the right is it all packed in there.

In this box is toothpaste, soap (not pictured is a washcloth.  I purchased these after realizing I needed some more.)  A stuffed duck, crayons, coloring books, a travel Color Wonder set, stickers, a small pack of Moon Dough, a bouncy ball, a foam puzzle, a small chalkboard and chalk, a hat, a Thomas story book and toy Thomas and a light up penguin.

I sure hope the little boy that receives this box will love it!

Follow along as I coupon to Operation Christmas Child!