Beautiful Books Review: Two of a Kind

Looking for the perfect book for a child?  Check out this recommendation from Beautiful Books for Children!

Two of a Kind – by Jacqui Robbins

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If you have kids that are in school, you no doubt have heard many tales of school-yard drama by this point. Who is in which crowd, who is friends with who, etc. Of course, this is all completely normal, but also may put your child in the position of making hard choices about who their friends really are and what it means to be kind to others in the face of peer pressure. If any of this sounds familiar (or even if you want to be pre-emptive for the inevitable) you should really check out “Two of a Kind.” It is a sweet story about friendship, trust, and sticking up for yourself and others. Go ahead and read the full review to get some great activity ideas and discussion questions you can use when reading with your child.


Rivka Kawano is mom to three boys and an avid reader who loves finding beautiful books to share with her kids. You can read all of her book reviews and suggestions at: