Our Week on Pinterest 9/9

Here’s what we were up to this week on Pinterest:

First and foremost, here is a MUST READ for ALL PARENTS.  It’s about teaching your children about strangers (forget everything you were taught as a child!)  Just read it, pin for when you have kids, for when your baby is older, for when your neighbor’s sister’s son’s wife has kids.  Share it with all parents you know.

Okay, moving on…

We made suncatchers out of paper plates and a few other items.

Pinterest, is a teacher’s favorite place.  If I listed every teaching/classroom idea I’ve pinned recently, I’d be here until next summer break.  So if you’re interested, just check out the Preschool/Homeschooling Board.

I found this idea for tying plastic crates together to make a shelving unit.  I’m thinking of doing that and putting it in the back of Bug’s closet.  I think it would solve a lot of our toy storage problems!  And I can’t wait to try these new cleaning tricks using cream of tartar.

Have you checked out the Cool Products board?  Never know what you’ll find there.

Oh, and let us not forget probably the biggest board I have, the RECIPES board!  I made Squash Tots and pinned my recipe.  These are SOOOOOOOO GOOOD.  I pinned a few things I want to try real soon, like baked eggs with spinach and cheese, crockpot ranch potatoes and sweet potato crisps.  And mini omelets…omg, can’t wait to try that!

If you’re wishing for cooler weather – check out the Christmas board!

And I had quite a few of these moments this week:


Find more great projects by following me on Pinterest!

Have you found something good on Pinterest?  Share it with use in the link below!