Are You Couponing For Operation Christmas Child?

Are You Couponing For Operation Christmas Child?

This year, Operation Christmas Child will collect their 100 millionth shoe box gift since the project began in 1993. That means 100 million children will have experienced the love of Jesus Christ!

  • If 100 million shoe boxes were stacked on top of each other, they would stand 1,722 times higher than Mt. Everest
  • If all the children who have received an Operation Christmas Child shoe box gift stood hand-in-hand, they would circle the globe twice.
  • If all 100 million shoe box gifts went to the children in India, we would only reach one-third of the children in that country. Each additional box impacts one more child with one more Gospel opportunity.

As couponers, you can make a great impact for very little!  I use a lot of my freebies from the drugstores to pack my boxes as well as shopping all year long for great deals on clearance to use!

This time of the year is the perfect time to start collecting school supplies for your OCC boxes!

I’ve committed to packing 6 boxes this year AND have challenged myself to do it for under $60!  Check out my new Pinterest board for Operation Christmas Child ideas!

Catch my recent couponing to OCC update here.

Last year, my boxes ended up in Uganda!